


报告题目:为什么工程师应该对医疗服务供给感兴趣的三个原因Three reasons why engineers should be interested in health care delivery


报告人: Terry Young教授,布鲁奈尔大学

邀请人: 魏国亮 教授



Terry Young is Professor of Healthcare Systems, and has an unusual breadth of experience, strong management, teaching and research credentials, forged over 12½ years in academia and 16½ years in industry. His teaching interests include the development of progressive grading strategies and the alignment of information systems with the business of better and blended teaching at scale. In terms of high-impact collaborations, he has a track record of forming and leading talented teams from many universities to pursue exceptional visions. The EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre, MATCH, and the EPSRC feasibility project, RIGHT, have helped him develop leadership skills with groups of powerful and independent thinkers, skills that he is seeking to promote, for instance, with the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. He is a cofounder of the Cumberland Initiative and the Health Service Journal ranked him in its Top 50 Innovators in the NHS in 2013. Professor Young is a member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee to the €350M CTMM program in the Netherlands. He sits on the editorial boards of a number of journals and undertakes the usual academic good citizenship activities.



Healthcare and engineering do not seem, at first sight to have much in common.  However, as we try to deliver care to more people who are living longer and who have more long term conditions, it will require skills in design, organization and management. This skill set is not a traditional medical one, but engineering has mastered these and applied them in many fields, starting with physical infrastructure and products and, more recently, in service provision.

In this talk, we will explore three reasons why scientists and engineers should take more of an interest in health services and expect to make more of a contribution.

The first of these reasons is, as has already been mentioned, that engineers understand about designing things that work.  Design methods, information systems, prototypes and modelling methods. Such skills are, and will increasingly be seen to be, important in customizing services at scale.

The second reason is that engineers have learned to turn constraints into creative solutions. In many other sectors, people regard constraints as a bad thing and may even seek to remove them. Engineering methods provide a way to meet the opportunities while working within the constraints.

Finally, engineers do not always explain themselves clearly at policy level and in financial environments. This talk will seek to encourage engineers to engage more in such discussions and to use some of the tools that apply routinely in their daily practice to the challenge of communicating their ideas to decision makers.


