


报告题目: 大数据与人工智能的技术与机遇

Title: Technologies and Opportunities: Big Data and AI

报告时间:2018921日星期五  9:45am-11:30am

Time: Sep. 21st, 2018, 9:45am-11:30am


AddressRoom 104, the ground floor of OECE Building.

报告人:台湾静宜大学李冠憬教授 Prof. Kuan-Ching LiThe Department of Computer Science and Information EngineeringProvidence University




Abstract: Rapid advances in the IT industry in last years have been critical to the IT revolution, driving the increase in the processing power of cutting-edge digital technologies. Encompassed with such improvements in technologies to obtaining knowledge/regularity and insights of data to create business values and making society sophisticated and better, Big Data and AI are changing directions and aspects in our society, from economics, business models, agriculture, health, to public management. IoT devices and the vast amount of data produced, concurrent to the improvements of the supply chain, product quality and reliability, Big Data has been made essential. Pairing these technologies with Blockchain, there is potential to significantly interpolate all industries of the market. In this talk, we introduce associated technologies rapidly adopted for Big Data and AI processing. These technologies are helping users to augment problem-solving skills as well their ability to handle and analyze massive datasets in cost-effective manner, to keep competitive with fast, actionable insights and optimized data management, to give them an edge over the competition for opportunities in high demand.


Dr. Li is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), and he is a Special Assistant to the University President as well. He is also the director of AWS Academy(for Amazon Cloud Computing ), and the principal investigator (PI) of Nvidia GPU Research Center. He gained the Ph.D. and Mater from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1996 and 2001 respectively, and finished his Post-doctoral in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California - Irvine, California, USA in 2002.

His research interests include GPU Computing, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing, High Performance Computing, Computer Networks, Parallel Simulation and Modeling Techniques, etc. He is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Senior Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE), and the Editor-in-Chief(EIC) of International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(IJCSE), International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN). He is also the co-author of multiple books published by Springer, CRC Press/Taylor&FrancisMcGraw-Hill, and IGI Global etc, such as Smart Data: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives in Computing and Applications, Internet of Everything: Algorithms, Methodologies, Technologies and Perspectives, etc.

讲座内容:近几年IT业的快速发展推动了IT技术变革和先进数字技术处理能力的提高。技术的进步使得从数据中获取知识、创造商业价值、促进智能社会的发展。大数据和人工智能技术正在经济、商业模式、农业、健康和公共管理等领域改变当前社会。物联网设备、大数据获取、供应链、产品质量和可靠性的提高突出了大数据技术。同时,与区块链技术的融合,将可能更加深入到各行各业。 本次讲座将介绍大数据和人工智能处理相关的技术,这些技术将会帮助用户提供解决问题的能力、优化数据管理、提高竞争力等。



李冠憬教授,博士研究生导师,台湾静宜大学特聘教授且兼校長特別助理。 李教授是国际工程技术学会(IET)会士、电机电子工程师学会(IEEE)高级会员、台湾云端计算学会(TACC)永久会员、美国科学促进会(AAAS)会员、福建省“闽江学者”、厦门大学讲座教授。他分别于1996年和2001年从巴西圣保罗大学获得硕士和博士学位,2002年在美国加州大学尔湾分校完成博士后研究。现任国际期刊International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering(IJCSE) International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES)International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) 的主编,他主要从事GPU计算、云计算与大数据研究等,迄今为止已在国内外学术刊物上发表250多篇SCI/EI收录的期刊与国际会议论文,著作和编辑了20余本学术专著,由SpringerCRC Press/Taylor&FrancisMcGraw-HillIGI Global出版。


