是德科技Roger Stancliff 教授专题讲座
讲座题目: Microwave sensing and imaging
时间:2018年 11月 7日(周三)下午 14:30-16:30
Traditionally, the microwave vector network analyzer has been used to characterize, model and measure electronic components for wireless devices, semiconductors and aerospace defense systems. More recently, new applications outside of these traditional electronic markets have begun to emerge. In this talk, we will briefly cover the history and current state of vector network analyzers. Then we will discuss the physics of microwave sensing: three words describe this (small, wet and changing). This physics of microwave interaction with materials lead to new applications in medical diagnostics, homeland security, process analytics and nanoscale device and material measurements. We will illustrate these new applications with numerous examples from research groups and start-up companies around the world.
Roger Stancliff graduated from Cornell University with his M(Eng)E in 1973 with a focus in microwave engineering. He began working at Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Santa Rosa California in June 1973. He designed microwave components for instrumentation and then led instrument development programs in Microwave sources, spectrum analyzers, and network analyzers. In 1993 he received his MS(MOT) from National Technological University. In 1999 Agilent split off from HP and in 2014 Keysight split off from Agilent. From 2002-2015, as CTO of the Component Test Division, Roger focused on developing new applications for microwave measurements including microwave imaging for medical, security, and process analytics, nanoscale near field microwave imaging, and the creation of new network analyzers to enable their use as embedded components in these application areas. In October 2015 he retired but rejoined Keysight in April 2016 as the CTO for Education Solutions. He now focuses exclusively on Universities and research institutes with many collaborations worldwide on research and teaching topics. He has a special focus in a few technology areas: Quantum Information Technology, mmW/THz Devices and Circuits, Wireless technologies, Bioengineering, and Advanced Materials Measurements. He is also a visiting professor at U of Leeds (UK).