【学术报告】Antonis Ioannis Vardulakis 教授:基于多项式矩阵的倒立摆稳定性



报告题目:Stabilization of the Pendubot via the Polynomial Matrix Approach(倒立摆镇定的多项式矩阵方法)

主讲人:希腊科学家Antonis Ioannis Vardulakis 教授

报告时间: 20181114日(周三)上午1030

报告地点:光电新大楼1026 会议室



Biography: Antonis – Ioannis Vardulakis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1946. He studied at the University of Athens, where he obtained the B.Sc. degree in Physics in 1969. He obtained the M.Sc. degree in “Theory and Practice of Automatic Control” from the Control Systems Centre of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, England in 1971 and the Ph.D. in Automatic Control from UMIST in 1974. In 1975 he was employed as a Research Assistant at the Department of Computing and Control, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England where he was involved in a research project on “Adaptive Control of Industrial Processes”. In 1978 he was employed by the Control and Management System Division of the Engineering Department, University of Cambridge.

In 1984 he was appointed Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece and in 2015 he was appointed Professor Emeritus at the same department where presently he teaches at the Master in Mathematics specialisation on Theoretical Informatics and Systems & Control Theory.

He is the author of LINEAR MULTIVARIABLE CONTROL, Algebraic analysis and Synthesis methods, J. Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, 1991


And of Introduction to Mathematical Theory of Signals, Systems and Control, Volumes 1 & 2 (in Greek)




This seminar concerns the stabilization problem for an underactuated robot called the “Pendubot”, which is a two-link planar robot with just a single actuator at the shoulder. Relying on a computational algorithm which is based on various results of “the polynomial matrix approach” we propose an outputfeedback-based internally stabilizing controller to stabilize the Pendubot at the unstable vertical upright position. The algorithm utilizes results for the solution of polynomial matrix Diophantine equations required for the computation and parameterization of proper “denominator assigning” and internally stabilizing controllers for linear time invariant multivariable (LTI) systems and reduces the problem to that of the solution of a set of numerical linear equations. The controller presented makes use of only the measured output which consists of the angles of the two links and does not require knowledge of the angular velocities which are usually not directly measurable. Finally, some simulation and experimental results are provided to demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.


Index Terms—Stabilizing control, polynomial matrix approach, output feedback, Pendubot, underactuated mechanical systems.


