

 【主题】Optical Sensors for Fossil Energy and the Environment(用于化石能源和环境的光学传感器)

【演讲嘉宾】Dr. Robert Lieberman, Academician,President of SPIE 2016(罗伯特利伯曼 博士,院士,2016SPIE主席)




【摘要】Photonic sensors for chemical, physical, and geological parameters have the potential to provide critical data on virtually every aspect of the energy cycle. This is particularly true for the world’s dominant energy source-hydrocarbon fuels. Development and deployment of photonic sensors can reduce the environmental disruption associated with exploration and extraction of oil and gas, and can help keep workers and residents near fuel production, storage, and transmission sites safe.

【演讲嘉宾简介】Robert Lieberman, President of Lumoptix LLC, got his Ph.D. in solid-state physics and biophysics at the University of Michigan, and worked for ten years AT&T Bell Laboratories in Semiconductor Device Development, Physics Research, and Materials Research. He then joined Physical Optics Corporation, where he became Vice President and General Manager for Research and Development; in 1998, he left POC to found Intelligent Optical Systems. Dr. Lieberman recently retired from IOS; he now consults through Lumoptix LLC and serves as Chief Technical Officer of Taff Optical and President of Adaptive Computation LLC.He holds 34 U.S. patents on biological, physical, and chemical sensors, has chaired dozens of conferences on optical sensors, and has helped found more than five start-up companies. Bob is a Fellow (and was 2016 President) of SPIE, a Senior Member of IEEE, and has served on the boards of numerous for-profit and nonprofit organizations. In addition to work in optical sensing, his interests include national and international science policy, science education, and translational research. He was elected to Membership in the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 2018.

